b'HealthierHospitalsInitiative/HealthCareWithoutHarm has worked with Sandler to develop a list* of our products that meet the Healthy Interiors criteria.This initiative was developedasatooltohelpeliminatehazardouschemical exposures in healthcare settings. Toxic chemicals in some products can migrate into the environment causing poten-tialharmtohumanhealthandtheworldaroundus.In addition, entities other than hospitals have begun to adopt some of the same protocols as HHI/HWH. Sandler is working with all of our suppliers to offer environ-mentallysafeandinmanycases,disinfectablefurnishing solutionsforourspecifiers.Pleaseclickbelowtoseethe latest list, which will be updated periodically. Contact your local Sandler Sales Representative or our Customer Service Departmentforassistancewithappropriatespecification of HHI/HWH compliant projects.'