I mobili pesanti per la zona living non sono più di moda. Chi apprezza il design cerca mobili più leggeri. La credenza “move” del Designer Mac Stopa cattura lo sguardo in tutti gli ambienti,offre ampi spazi per riporre oggetti, conserva tuttavia un’incredibile leggerezza. La struttura in MDF impiallacciato in noce canaletto o in rovere è fornibile anche in laccato bianco o nero opaco. I ripiani e le antine laterali sono la particolarità che caratterizzano move. La superficie frontale di move è disponibile sia in MDF con effetto 3D impiallacciato in noce canaletto o rovere che nell’innovativo materiale soft touch in 3D. The heavy furniture for the living are not cool anymore. The design estimators are looking for lighter furniture. The sideboard “Move” designed by Mac Stopa gains the attention in every location and offers wide room for placing things maintaining an incredible lightness. The structure in American walnut or oak veneered MDF is available also in matt black or white lacquer. The shelves and the doors are the Move’s distinctive trait. The front surface of Move is available both in MDF with the three-dimensional effect, American walnut or oak veneered, and in the innovative material soft touch with the 3D texture. mac_stopa move soft_617 mac_stopa move soft_617 With lighter furniture becoming increasingly in demand, Move provides a modern solution. Designed by Mac Stopa, the credenza boasts an eye-catching design whilst offering extensive room for storing items in its lightweight structure. The structure in American walnut or Oak veneered MDF is also available with a black or white lacquered finish and sits on lacquered steel legs. The distinctive doors of Move are made from three-dimensional textured Soft Touch polyurethane with a silent opening and closing system.