La base di Twister, dalla caratteristica forma a conchiglia, è in Cristalplant, marteriale costituito da minerali naturali, polimeri poliesteri ed acrilici. Cristalplant è altamente resistente, a superficie ripristinabile al 100%, ignifugo ed ecocompatibile. Il piano è in vetro trasparente temperato. The base of the Twister table is like a sculpture that reflects the inner life of a shell, on the base is placed a transparent glass top that allows to show the artfully curved base in its full beauty. Cristalplant is an high technology composite material consisting of natural minerals,pure polyester and acrylic polymers. Cristalplant is 100% recyclable, fire retardant and highly resistant. Since the material is durable and 100% restorable it falls under the category of environmentally friendly materials. stefan_heiliger twister_829 318 The base of Twister is characteristically shaped like a shell and shown to its full potential, thanks to the table’s transparent glass top. The base is made from Cristalplant, a high-technology composite material consisting of natural minerals, pure polyester and acrylic polymers. It is 100% recyclable and environmentally friendly. stefan_heiliger twister_829